[cafe-sd] �A qu� suena el kernel de Linux?
Mikel Ega�a Aranguren
mikel.egana.aranguren en gmail.com
Sab Dic 11 19:29:49 CET 2010
Peny, Peny, Peny
2010/12/10 Txopi <txopi en sindominio.net>:
> Linux Radio is an online radio broadcasting the latest stable version of
> the Linux kernel (currently, which is read in plain voice
> using eSpeak, an open source text to speech synthesizer.
> There are currently 111011 (base 2) tunes in our database and we are
> working to add more. A new source file is selected randomly each time
> you load this page : remember, if you can't get enough, you can always
> open Linux Radio in two or more different browser tabs... Use the
> Source, Luke!
> This radio station is dedicated to the best scientist ever : Dr. Sheldon
> Cooper from The Big Bang Theory.
> http://www.linux.fm/
> _______________________________________________
> cafe mailing list
> cafe en listas.sindominio.net
> https://listas.sindominio.net/mailman/listinfo/cafe
Mikel Ega�a Aranguren, Ph.D.
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