[Grey-Walter] [Fwd: Alergic talk Wed Nov 6th]

xabier at sindominio.net xabier at sindominio.net
Thu Nov 7 03:24:25 CET 2002

-------- Mensaje Original --------
Asunto: Alergic talk Wed Nov 6th
De: Inman Harvey <inmanh at cogs.susx.ac.uk>
Fecha: Lun, 4 de Noviembre de 2002, 9:16 am
Para: alergic_list at cogs.susx.ac.uk

Alergic talk Wed 6th Nov 2002 16:30 in PEV1-1A6

Using Physical Simulation to Advance Evolutionary Robotics
Josh Bongard (bongard at ifi.unizh.ch)
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, University of Zurich

The importance of embodiment and situatedness has by now been firmly
established in the field of new Artificial Intelligence in general, and
evolutionary robotics in particular. However, this poses a challenge:
how can one evaluate the large number of robot body plans and/or neural
controllers necessary for evolutionary experiments such that the
candidate solutions exploit real-world constraints and opportunities? I
will argue that physical simulation (simulation of robots in a virtual,
yet physically-realistic environment) is a useful tool for addressing
this conundrum. I will first present an evolutionary robotics
experiment, performed using physical simulation, that isolates how
choices of robot morphology limit or enhance the evolved behaviours.
Finally, I will demonstrate an artificial evolutionary-developmental
(evo-devo) model that can be used to grow both the bodies and brains of
simulated robots together, and how it compares to recursive schemes.

Inman Harvey           >>   Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems Group   <<
                       >> COGS, Univ. of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9QH, UK <<
inmanh at cogs.susx.ac.uk >>   http://www.cogs.susx.ac.uk/users/inmanh/  <<

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