[Hacklabs] Hackmeeting transnacional Fwd: [hackmeeting] thk'04

meskalito at sindominio.net meskalito at sindominio.net
Tue Dec 16 17:12:51 CET 2003

Un hackmeeting transnacional en croatia.

Esto promete.

¿quien se apunta?


---------------------------- Mensaje Original ----------------------------
Asunto: Fwd: [hackmeeting] thk'04
De:     "filippo[at]linuxelba.org" <filippo at linuxelba.org>
Fecha:  Tue, 2 de Diciembre de 2003, 2:43 am
Para:   hackmeeting at listas.sindominio.net

Hash: SHA1

- ----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: [hackmeeting] thk'04
Date: Tuesday 02 December 2003 02:24
From: ivana <ivana at fazan.org>
To: hackmeeting at kyuzz.org
Cc: thk at autistici.org, rojc at lists.mi2.hr

per chi non sa, blicero, bomboclat e megabug hanno passato alcuni giorni
qui in croazia (pola, zagabria e fiume).  di hackmeeting si parlava molto,
abbiamo fatto alcune conclusioni e abbiamo scritto un breve invito. spero
che decisioni saranno definitivi, comunque... seguendo questa lista,
prevedo che provocheranno il nuovo thread infinito che non riesco a
seguire. :)
invio questa mail anche sull'altra lista (quella deserta di thk),
sperando che ogni discussione sul soggetto sia spostata li'.
therfore from now on i'm writing / forwarding in english.:) so:

- ----- Forwarded message from blicero at autistici.org -----

From: blicero at autistici.org
Subject: text and plan for thk
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2003 22:18:54 +0100

the idea is
- - translate this call (ivana: already translated to croatian and french)
- - send it around explaining our contact it is necessary and explicit
  particpation to the thing
- - make a very basic website with
	. where is pula and mp
	. subscribe to ml form
	. call in languages
	. webspace for future workshop
- - see how this things turns out :))

- -----------

transnational hackmeeting - share, meet, think

since a couple of years in different hackers, hacktivist and
mediactivist meetings the idea to self-organize a venue where people with
hacking attitude, applied to whatever field one could think from
technology to politics to reality itself, could meet, share and think
together new ways of transforming what surrounds them.

in various places national, regional, local and even district meeting
between very different people brought together by the passion of
technology, communication, society transformation and networking people,
things and paradigms already took place and were met by a lot of
entusiasm and the feeling that a varied community on these themes is possible

this year it seems that a meeting bringing together people from all over
europe (geographical europe), mediterranean, near and middel east is
really possible and this is a call for making it happen.

This meeting won't be organized by someone else than you: bring your
workshop, yuor debate, the studies you made this year, the thing you want
to talk about, the reason and project for which you would like to meet
other hackers (and you don't need to be a geek to be a hacker!)

Monteparadiso squat in Pula, Croatia already agreed to host this meeting
that since two years is already being addressed and transnational
hackmeeting (transhackmeeting or thk) in late june.
If you want to help out and participate, subscribe to the list
thk at autistici.org (http://www.autistici.org/mailman/listinfo/thk) and
spread out the news through your local networks.

- --

- ----- End forwarded message -----

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"nel tempo dell'inganno universale, dire la verità è un atto
rivoluzionario" (George Orwell).

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