[Hacklabs] HackGrid project

brain brain at autistici.org
Wed Dec 13 05:11:16 CET 2006


this mail is to announce the birth of the HackGrid project!

HackGrid is a project with several souls, born to provide tools which
extend the possibilities of the communities which take part in it.

HackGrid joins together clusters of computers for parallel computing, to
provide a higher computing power to the participant community.

HackGrid aims to build a net of relationships between italian and
foreign hacklabs (called HackNet) to help the free movement of knowledge

We are calling for all hacklabs and related realities to participate to
this project.

Currently the Underscore_TO* hacklab from Torino, Italy is involved in
the project, with the 'Grignolinux' openmosix cluster.

There is a dedicated mailing list: to subscribe please visit


For further information please send your mails to brain at autistici.org.

Thanks for your attention!

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