[Hacklabs] [(fwd): Proposal for a 2007 Norwegian Trans Hackmeeting]

Victor cain23 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 19 10:18:30 CET 2007

Muy bueno ya lo habia visto por thk
Por cierto la web de hacklabs esta caida? no se si es por mi proxy pero no
la veo.
Podeis añadir este hacklab a la lista si no esta?
grazie mile!

2007/1/18, brain <brain at autistici.org>:
> ----- Forwarded message from lesion <lesion at autistici.org> -----
> Subject: [Thk] Proposal for a 2007 Norwegian Trans Hackmeeting
> Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 22:29:34 +0100
> From: Sub <subvertao at inventati.org>
> Hi,
> here in Oslo, Norway, we have a small hacklab (http://humla.info)
> inside a much much much muuuch bigger social space (www.Hausmania.org).
> We are a pretty small collective but with great aspirations :)
> We are thinking about organizing a trans hackmeeting here the weekend
> after the g8 demonstrations this summer. That is 15, 16, 17 of june
> 2007.
> We have a hacklab with 10 online machines, very fast net, webradio,
> videoprojector, a backyard for barbecues, and we can provid one or more
> big big rooms for guesting people, provide vegan food for cheap,
> provide (relatively) cheap beer and whatever else come to your mind.
> We also have little money for special necessities ( visas for eastern
> european hackers for example). We can also organize local propaganda of
> the event in the city, and make a poster.
> What we can't provide, is have you willing to come!
> If anybody is interested, please say.
> Subvertao
> ( humla mailing list at : intern at humla.info,channel #humla on
> irc.indymedia.org/994 )
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> --
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La hora de dejar las cosas para mas tarde, de dejar las cosas a medias esta
llegando a su fin:
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