[hackmeeting] Fwd: CfP: 18th annual Chaos Communication Congress, Berlin, Germany

deal deal en sindominio.net
Mar Nov 27 01:10:02 CET 2001

Reenvio este mensaje desde hackmeeting en sindominio.net. Si no fuera
porque quiero veros las caras, me cog�a el autob�s y me iba para
all�. Otra cosa, esta semana tengo pensado pasarme por el Caos Computer
Club de Colonia http://koeln.ccc.de ya os contar� lo que vea por all�.
A ver si me uno a los wireless de por aqu� :-).

Nos vemos.

El 26 de nov de 2001, a las 07:16:28 +0100, merce en grn.es coment�:
> ########### INFORMATION WANTS TO BE FORWARDED ###########
> CfP: 18th annual Chaos Communication Congress, Berlin, Germany
> 21/11/2001
> ===8<==============Original message text===============
> [Our apologies if you receive multiple postings of this CfP]
> * Deutsche Fassung weiter unten *
> *************************************************************************
> Call for papers: 18C3: 18. Chaos Communication Congress 27.-29. December
> 2001
> Papers are being solicited for the eighteenth annual Congress of the
> Chaos Computer Club e.V., Germany, to be held in Berlin, Germany, from
> December 27th through 29th. The congress is intended to
> promote the technical, social and political interchange of ideas among
> hackers, security professionals, artists, nerds and other lifeforms,
> watching how technology affects society.
> Unlike earlier incarnations, this years congress will not only address the
> German speaking population. It is our goal to have at least the main track
> of the conference held in English and translated to German or held in German
> and translated to English.
> Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
> - wrecked use of mainstream technology
> - obfuscating code, technology and user minds
> - IPv6 technology and security,  practical experience, 6bone statistics etc.
> - Ttchnical developments and protocols in the Internet
>   (e.g. Differentiated Services, constraint-based-routing, MPLS, traffic
>   engineering, policing, COPS, TCPng, streaming protocols,
>   Peer2Peer-Networks, ENUM etc.)
> - telephone networks (wired & wireless, GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS)
> - access technology (cable modems, satellite, WLL etc.)
> - surveillance technology, LI, state of the art and how to trick it
> - security policy and privacy Issues
> - security infrastructure, architecture and standards (PKCS,CMA, CDSA etc.)
> - watching them watching us and how to sharpen the picture
> - eavesdropping on (streaming) protocols (e.g. internet telephony)
> - operating system/platform security (any OS you can think of)
> - internet, communications & networking security, including wireless
>   technologies (WaveLAN, HiperLAN, etc.)
> - AAA
> - intrusion detection and monitoring
> - cryptograpic algorithms, technology, toolkits, applications, etc.
>    (e.g. AES, elliptic curves, PGP, GnuPG etc.)
> - smartcards & embedded anything
> -  biometrics
> - copyright, copyleft, copywrong, "interlec-duh-al capital",
>   digital rights management and the street performer protocol,
>   DMCA vs Freedom of Speech
> - privacy, private data and public data and the difference, if any
> - misuse of (multi)media technology, "secure" devices ...
> - art & beauty in the global village
> - reverse engineering technology how-to's
> - circumvention devices & security countermeasures
> - political and legislative trends, open and hidden, concerning
>   the net and communication technology
> - crypto-politics in national security
> - German issues as TK�V and equivalents in other countries
> - European issues as Cybercrime-Convention and equivalents
> - hacker ethics and history
> - Developments in Mobile Networking (e.g. Wireless LAN,
>   Ad-Hoc Networking, Tracking of Persons, etc.)
> - activism, hacktivism and other forms of political work
> - Organisational structures of NGOs
> - Underground Banking
> - conspiracy theories
> - discordianism
> Lectures are expected to be highly relevant in practice or better be
> darn funny. Sales droids have been known to disappear without traces
> on past events. Interactive Workshops welcome. Hands-On anything even
> more welcome.
> Intelligent beings wishing to present a paper should submit title and an
> one- or two-paragraph abstract (in German or English), references and URLs,
> a short biography, and contact information to congress-crew en ccc.de RSN, no
> later than December 1st.
> Notice of acceptance will be sent out as soon as possible. Final
> presentations should be in English or German and be up to 45 or up to 100
> minutes long, including a question-and-answer period.
> As this is a non-profit organisation and non-profit event, the CCC will
> not be able to compensate travel or hotel costs let alone a speaker honorar,
> well, maybe travel costs. We are, however, able to arrange accomodation
> for low or no cost.
> The preliminary agenda will be published on the web
> http://www.ccc.de/congress/ in the near future. Registration information
> will be posted, too.
> So, do you dare to speak in front of people who might have downloaded your
> script from your computer in advance and spotted all the logical errors?
> Do you read me, HAL?
> ****************************************************************************
> (...)
> ===8<===========End of original message text===========

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