[hackmeeting] nodo Ricardo Dominguez más información

xabier xabier en sindominio.net
Lun Oct 20 16:01:58 CEST 2003

Hago un copy-paste de lo que me acaba de enviar:

Title for Talk:

Hacktivism after the Digital:
Imaging Interventions In The Nanotechnological Age.

Engines of Creation
The Coming Era of Nanotechnology - 1986

ps. Part Two will be with recent issues around Hacktivism and post
911 actions.

<nota mia> 911 = 11 de Sept </nota mia>

pps Part Three Operacion Digna actions

hope this helps.

ciao ciao,


              debian gnu/linux sarge :: kernel 2.4.18
      xabier barandiaran          http://sindominio.net/~xabier
      Metabolik BioHacklab      http://sindominio.net/metabolik
      Autonomia Situada  http://sindominio.net/autonomiasituada
                    ..:: www.sindominio.net ::..

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