[hackmeeting] Re: [Thk] Thk.When

azalai azalai en sindominio.net
Dom Mar 28 23:10:18 CEST 2004

The ideal thing would be to reach a consesus as sonn as possible so that 
all the collectives and individuals implied would pronounce themselves 
as soon as possible. For me, personally and for all my collective as 
well, those dates were already fixed, booked and planned for but the 
truth is that it was done at the very beginning of the plannification.

Well, I understand reasons given but it was thought last week of june as 
an ideal date because flights drammatically increase prices from 1st 
july on..highest season...and flights will be less full and cheaper last 
week of june than first week of july. In other part lets hear first 
people from Monteparadiso. They have a very busy summer season and maybe 
this change would clash with their plans.

Anyway, my proposal is to fix a deathline to make it definite. Wenesday 
  7th of April sounds reasonable?


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