[hackmeeting] Conexión a internet en lainvisible.
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Vie Ago 1 23:26:29 CEST 2008
podríamos juntar las distintas adsl que haya haciendo balanceo, las
adsl que tengamos nos podran dar el n de subida (n numero de adsl),
esto quizás nos pueda dar el suficiento ancho de banda para subir el
video, luego usar QoS para dar prioridad a la salida del streaming de
Material SCG08
Respect free software communities and use free and/or standard formats
while sending attached files. Files such .doc, .xls, are formats that
don't follow the standard rules and may cause problems on viewing or
in the format of the text when these are opened with programs where
thousands users communities develops free software. So that I ask for
the files that are sent to me, to be odf, ods, odp, svg, png or in
default pdf. Thanks you a lot...
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