[hm] [manifiesto]borrador

xiu xiuxiuliu en coincidance.net
Jue Oct 6 12:22:41 CEST 2011


Acá mando una traducción al inglés del manifiesto.
Tal como se dijo por lista la puse en 

pero os la paso por la lista pa ver si está legible.... entre que se me 
está olvidando el inglés y que el texto es un poquillo difícil no sé si 
se entiende bien o si se me ha escapao alguna metedura de pata gorda :=o

Manifesto MeigHacks 0.1

The right to free information for the sake of free knowledge has been 
always one the pillars of the Hackmeeting. But it is much more than 

This year, year in which outrage has taken the squares, in which 
copyrights and the SGAE are being inquired by the law, in which Europe 
passes that copyrights should last 70 years instead of 50, while 
institutions promote budget cuts for social services that leave people 
on the street. There are many reasons therefore to enjoy the pleasure of 
meeting, thinking, learning, and sharing.

We, hackers, hacktivists, nerds, lurkers, technology hobbyists, geeks, 
and other nerd personalities, return our hands to the keys so to bit by 
bit, and ping by ping implement another HM. To put together social, 
technological and political threads by self-management, in a horizontal 
space where people's protocol distinctions between who programs and who 
uses, between servers and clients disappear.

Now that everyday it is forgotten the essence of free software, while 
huge corporations ignore the success of the model of open production of 
knowledge, we are astonished at the increasing complexity of toys that 
become more and more difficult to disassemble and reassemble.

So we only have left to say:
To you, political and financial powers, exhausted giants of flesh and 
steel, we come from the squares, primordial ancient origin of people´s 
forums, everlasting agora of debate, living scenario of human beings' 
 From here, again, we want to recuperate the power that at some point in 
time you have institutionalized, bureaucratized. For that purpose, we 
are building a new way of creating, a new way of relating, of enjoying 
by sharing and learning by teaching. As such, practicing collective 
self-learning, we are making a new world reemerge, a world in which we 
want to live and not just survive. All that at the neutrino's 
super-luminous speed, but not so fast so our heads resonate with too 
much malware, greedy ISPs, befuddled codes, roots, zombie systems and 
all that private hardware that bugs us.
And to all that, we now call it MeigHacks, so that bits will become 
full of earth, medicinal herbs, past times, because science does not 
heal us nor academies teach us anymore. But so they do networks, 
forests, howtos, wikis, and faqs of ancestral knowledge. To realize that 
everything is mystery, to wrap ourselves in a meighack thinking hat, and 
to gaze what these computerized meigas (witches) have to offer us.

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