[unomada-info] [Fwd: On Brazilian elections: brazilian democracy in under fire by biased anti-democratic newspapers and television (in English)]

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Mie Sep 27 14:56:47 CEST 2006


To the democratic journalists, in the global Internet democratic blogosphere:

Please, send to your lists. Brazilian democracy and democrats voters are under fire, from biased
anti-democratic newspapers and television! (From Brazilian Colective of DEMOCRATIZATION PROPAGANDA
"Lula is many!", Brazil, 2006 Presidential Elections)


 Dirty anti-democratic 'sociology' from University of São Paulo, by former-sociologist Fernando
Henrique Cardoso (FHC) and the propaganda of un-democratization of the Brazilian voters,
maneuvered by FHC & Senator Bornhausen (Liberal Front Party, PFL) -- "sociology" & racism?
"sociology" & golpismo? -- is offered today, shamelessly, in all Brazilian commercial media
(newspapers and television).

    Today newspapers, in Brazil, repeat the same awful evidence of the same dirty anti-democratic
'sociological' propaganda, as media repeats an extremely aggressive speech of the
former-sociologist, former-professor and former-intellectual Fernando Enrique Cardoso.

    In a said 'public' act, yet closed, in a club privé, yesterday night, for party-fellows and
abettors, the former-sociologist Fernando Henrique Cardoso bawled that "Lula is Devil! We have
to exorcize the Devil!"

    The desperation and the most total shameless anti-democratic propaganda are, today, the last
one nail that former-'intellectuals' and former-'sociologists' (and perpetual candidates of
the fascist anti-democratic right, in Brazil), nail in the coffin of the pathetic
former-sociology of the once respected University of São Paulo.

    Converted into the last bastion of the anti-democratic ('global') interests, in Latin America
and Brazil, the University of São Paulo today rents one of its once most respected PhDs
(Sociology "Professor-doutor", in Brazilian universities), so that his fascist madness now
thunders, in electoral campaign. Any better sociology would know Presidente Lula is the
candidate of the majority of Brazilian voters. Not FHC's and USP's anti-democratic 'sociology'
and 'sociologists'!

    All the Polls indicate that, in next Sunday elections, president Lula Da Silva will be
reelected, in the first turn.

    This second victory of president Lula WILL DISLODGE for much time, from the political command,
in Brazil, the last remains of the groups of commercial media constituted in Brazil during, by
and for the military dictatorship which disgraced (and in a certain horrible meaning still
disgraces) Brazil, for decades, without interruption.

    In fact, the re-election of president Lula will dislodge of the political democratic command,
in Brazil, the same media-political groups that had 'crowned' and kept in power the militar
dictatorship, from 1964 up to 2002.

    In 2002 elections, the same groups have been democratically defeated in democratic legal and
perfect elections, and dislodged from political power --, in the first election of president
Lula Da Silva.

    This is the fight Brazilian democrats are fighting during this pre-elections week, against a
huge amount of anti-democratic active media groups.

    The anti-democratic forces are installed in the commercial media, newspapers and in the only
net of television that has national reach -- the "Rede Globo" ('Globo Net').

    The democratic forces are in the homes, offices and streets, without newspapers nor televison,
using militantly the blogosphere, and the Internet.

    In the next week we will know, in Brazil, if the Internet defeated the 'big printed media' &
commercial television, or if antidemocratic interests defeated democracy, in Brazil.

    Nothing he will be definitive. In all the cases the fight will continue.

    But the real fight is this: the Brazilian democracy defenders, active in Internet (Lulista
blogosphere), against the propaganda of un-democratization of the audiences of commercial TV
and newspapers readers, operating with the Fernando Henrique Cardoso fascists 'sociologists'
and USP PhDs.

    Evidently it is not a case of some fight between some "demon" and some "god" – as 'teaches'
the USPs 'sociologists' and anti-Lula candidates.

    No sociology or 'academic honor & degrees' deserves any attention or social respect, if it
forgets all democracy and all democratic rules.

    As the Polls show, democracy (and the militant political action of the democratic Lulista
blogosphere) is winning the game, in Brazil.

    But the dispute is brutal, violent and as anti-sociological as it could be any USP's and FHC's
anti-democratic 'sociology' & racism, or 'sociology' & no-democracy.

    No pasarán!

    LULA É MUITOS! ("Lula is many!")


    [Translated for publication]. On: "Lula is Devil!", says FHC on Lula", Folha Online , in
http://noticias.uol.com.br/economia/ultnot/valor/2006/09/26/ult1913u57717.jhtm ]


    DON'T FORGET: Brazilian internauts are voter citizens. All the messages of electoral
propaganda of DE-democratization that circulate in Internet, with prejudiced content, which
disrespects Brazilian democratic institutions and propagates offensive contents to the
president of the Republic, to the Brazilian democracy or OUR DEMOCRATIC VOTE must be denounced
to Partido dos Trabalhadores ( internet en pt.org.br ).

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