[unomada-info] Declaración por un Estado único en Palestina-Israel. Madrid-Londres

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Jue Ene 31 19:03:49 CET 2008

La versión española disponible en:

For decades, efforts to bring about a two-state solution in historic
Palestine have failed to provide justice and peace for the Palestinian
and Israeli Jewish peoples, or to offer a genuine process leading
towards them.

The two-state solution ignores the physical and political realities on
the ground, and presumes a false parity in power and moral claims
between a colonized and occupied people on the one hand and a colonizing
state and military occupier on the other. It is predicated on the unjust
premise that peace can be achieved by granting limited national rights
to Palestinians living in the areas occupied in 1967, while denying the
rights of Palestinians inside the 1948 borders and in the Diaspora.
Thus, the two-state solution condemns Palestinian citizens of Israel to
permanent second-class status within their homeland, in a racist state
that denies their rights by enacting laws that privilege Jews
constitutionally, legally, politically, socially and culturally.
Moreover, the two-state solution denies Palestinian refugees their
internationally recognized right of return.

The two-state solution entrenches and formalizes a policy of unequal
separation on a land that has become ever more integrated territorially
and economically. All the international efforts to implement a two-state
solution cannot conceal the fact that a Palestinian state is not viable,
and that Palestinian and Israeli Jewish independence in separate states
cannot resolve fundamental injustices, the acknowledgment and redress of
which are at the core of any just solution.

In light of these stark realities, we affirm our commitment to a
democratic solution that will offer a just, and thus enduring, peace in
a single state based on the following principles:

      * The historic land of Palestine belongs to all who live in it and
        to those who were expelled or exiled from it since 1948,
        regardless of religion, ethnicity, national origin or current
        citizenship status;
      * Any system of government must be founded on the principle of
        equality in civil, political, social and cultural rights for all
        citizens. Power must be exercised with rigorous impartiality on
        behalf of all people in the diversity of their identities;
      * There must be just redress for the devastating effects of
        decades of Zionist colonization in the pre- and post-state
        period, including the abrogation of all laws, and ending all
        policies, practices and systems of military and civil control
        that oppress and discriminate on the basis of ethnicity,
        religion or national origin;
      * The recognition of the diverse character of the society,
        encompassing distinct religious, linguistic and cultural
        traditions, and national experiences;
      * The creation of a non-sectarian state that does not privilege
        the rights of one ethnic or religious group over another and
        that respects the separation of state from all organized
      * The implementation of the Right of Return for Palestinian
        refugees in accordance with UN Resolution 194 is a fundamental
        requirement for justice, and a benchmark of the respect for
      * The creation of a transparent and nondiscriminatory immigration
      * The recognition of the historic connections between the diverse
        communities inside the new, democratic state and their
        respective fellow communities outside;
      * In articulating the specific contours of such a solution, those
        who have been historically excluded from decision-making —
        especially the Palestinian Diaspora and its refugees, and
        Palestinians inside Israel — must play a central role;
      * The establishment of legal and institutional frameworks for
        justice and reconciliation.

The struggle for justice and liberation must be accompanied by a clear,
compelling and moral vision of the destination – a solution in which all
people who share a belief in equality can see a future for themselves
and others. We call for the widest possible discussion, research and
action to advance a unitary, democratic solution and bring it to

Madrid and London, 2007

Ali Abunimah 
Naseer Aruri 
Omar Barghouti 
Oren Ben-Dor 
George Bisharat 
Haim Bresheeth 
Jonathan Cook 
Ghazi Falah 
Leila Farsakh 
Islah Jad 
Joseph Massad 
Ilan Pappe 
Carlos Prieto del Campo 
Nadim Rouhana 
The London One State Group 

English declaration with further support signatures in PDF

Declaración en otras lenguas:





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