[unomada-info] Invitation to Passignano 2014 – Constituent Spaces. Europe, Struggles, World

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Dom Sep 7 21:28:01 CEST 2014



to Passignano 2014 

_Constituent Spaces. Europe, Struggles, World_

We are happy to invite you to the annual meeting organized by the
EuroNomade network, to be held in Passignano sul Trasimeno on September
18-21. EuroNomade is a network of activists, scholars and researchers
that has existed since 2013. Many of its members were previously part of
the UniNomade network. Coming from the "workerist" and "postworkerist"
tradition we aim at fostering political debates within social movements,
in a way that works at the boundary between the university and political
activism. We are particularly interested in asking questions about the
meaning of a European subversive politics. We are therefore connected
with comrades and networks in many parts of Europe, but we always try to
develop our discussion within a broader framework. In this sense
fostering relations outside of Europe (e.g. in Latin America and Asia)
is particularly important for us. Indeed our work on Europe is part and
parcel of a broader attempt to reinvent the politics of

The Passignano meeting will be dedicated this year
to two interrelated topics. We will start on Thursday, September 18,
with a discussion with David Harvey. His recent work has focused on what
we would like to call the "extractive" dimensions of contemporary
capitalism. Although we have often critically discussed his work, we are
particularly happy that he has accepted our invitation. What we want to
discuss with Harvey are the different regimes and forms of what he calls
"accumulation by dispossession" as well as the relation between
dispossession and exploitation. 

We are convinced that the discussion
with Harvey, who will participate in the whole seminar, will be an
excellent introduction to the topics that we want to address in the two
following days (September 19-20). The first is what we tentatively call
"social unionism." By this we mean emerging forms of social struggles,
which often blur the boundary between the point of production and social
reproduction. The second topic is "Europe and the world," which will
have us discuss the position of Europe within the current world
disorder. We are convinced that there is a strong connection between
these two topics. In other words, we think that the quality and
intensity of social struggles in Europe will strongly influence the
position of Europe in the world, while this position will in turn have
important consequences for the spaces of struggle as well as for the
quality of freedom and equality in Europe. Moreover we think that there
is an urgent need to reflect upon the connection between the two
proposed topics in order to go beyond the predicament of the movement
against the war in Europe, which was apparent in the last months in
front of the multiple wars at Europe's borders (Ukraine, Syria,

We really hope that you will join us in Passignano. We
have invited activists and researchers from several European countries
(including Germany, Spain, and Greece). There will also be a discussion
about the current situation in Brazil, and more generally in Latin
America, with the participation of Brazilian comrades. The format of the
seminar will be mixed, with roundtables followed by discussions in
smaller groups, especially on the 19th, when we expect to have an
intense discussion on the perspectives of struggles in Europe next Fall.
On the 21st we will close the seminar with an open assembly, where we
hope we will be able to lay the basis for an even more intense
cooperation for the next future. 

For logistical infos, please write to
Carlo: carloromag en yahoo.it - +39 328 2627747 
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