[HM] Hub Meeting 2013 2nd Round - 13-15 September, Barcelona

Dario Lovaglio dario.lovaglio en gmail.com
Vie Jul 12 15:26:47 CEST 2013

Hi everyone,

webpage http://hubmeeting20a.wordpress.com/ has been updated:

* pre-call ENG-SPA-ITA,
if anyone would like to translate it it in its own language would be very

* Accommodation Form,
we will estabilish a deadline and a limit for accommodation, we have 7 free
apartments available with 6 full bathrooms and facilities. In few words if
you are joining the Hub Meeting and you need accommodation sign up ASAP

* Locations.

We would like to meet on Skype or Mumble to close the meeting call, we
propose Monday 29 or Tuesday 30 July, any other proposal?


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