[Grey-Walter] [ info ] A Talk with Stuart Kauffman

Lluis lluis at antaviana.net
Sat Nov 15 20:32:36 CET 2003

A Talk with Stuart Kauffman

"An autonomous agent is something that can both reproduce itself and do
at least one thermodynamic work cycle. It turns out that this is true of
all free-living cells, excepting weird special cases. They all do work
cycles, just like the bacterium spinning its flagellum as it swims up
the glucose gradient. The cells in your body are busy doing work cycles
all the time. "

"Thus, cells do thermodynamic work to build a structure called the
membrane, which in turn manipulates constraints on reactions, meaning
that cells do work at constructing constraints that manipulate constraints. "


Lluis & Pere Rocallaura
Antaviana		:: http://antaviana.net
Astramat		:: http://astramat.com/c/alife.html
Autonomia Situada	:: http://sindominio.net/autonomiasituada

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