[Hacklabs] Invitation to "Connect Congress 2004" in Barcelona

darkveggy darkveggy at squat.net
Mon Oct 18 08:24:10 CEST 2004


"Plug'n'Politix" [1] is a network of groups dedicated to merging
politics and technology through squatting and free software. It brings
together those involved in open-access spaces, anarchist computing
collectives and hacklabs, through the 'connect at squat.net' mailing-list
[2] and occasional congresses.

In October 2001, a number of such groups and individuals gathered in the
Egocity squat [3] in Zürich, Switzerland, for 3 days of discussions,
debates and workshops. This was the first "Connect Congress". 

The second "Connect Congress" will be held in Barcelona, on December
3rd, 4th, 5th 2004. It is being hosted by the Cyberforat squatted
cybercafé/hacklab [4], and collectively organized through the connect
mailing-list and wiki [5]. 

It is meant to be complementary to hackmeetings and other public
activist tech events, by being private and work-focused. Because of
this, and because of the limited number of resources, we need people
willing to participate to register beforehand, by filling up the
following form, and send it back to connect at squat.net. In addition to
this, individuals should add themselves to the "summary of people
present" on the wiki page [6].


[1] More on http://squat.net/pnp/.

[2] To subscribe: https://squat.net/mailman/listinfo/connect/ (this is
    a private mailing-list, so please send a presentation message)
[3] Egocity was evicted in January 2004. See http://egocity.net/.

[4] See http://cyberforat.net/.

[5] https://squat.net/pnp/wiki/.

[6] http://squat.net/pnp/wiki/moin.cgi/PnpBcnRegistrationForm

				x x x


1 - Which group are you affiliated with?

2 - How many of you will be coming?

3 - When are you planning to come/leave?

4 - What hardware can you bring (if any)?

5 - Do you want to propose a workshop/discussion/action/performance?

6 - Do you need a translation (primary language will be int. english)?

7 - Is there anything else everyone should know?

				x x x


A moment is planned for each group participating to present itself. In
order to facilitate the process, we suggest you use the following
questions as a skeleton for your presentation:

	- brief history of your group?

	- main projects/current point(s) of focus?

	- problems/questions/things to share/debates/perspectives?

				x x x

See you in Barcelona!

d a r k v e g g y - gnupg key @ https://squat.net/darkveggy/gpg.asc

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