[Hacklabs] Nocturnes // LSM 2005 - Programme

darkveggy darkveggy at squat.net
Fri Jul 1 14:09:33 CEST 2005

                 :: NOCTURNES // LSM 2005 - PROGRAMME ::
               (also available in [1]french and [2]german)

Libre Software Meeting

   The sixth edition of the [3]Libre Software Meeting will take place in
   Dijon, France, from July 5th to July 9th 2005. This is a major event
   for the free software community. Previous editions had gathered some
   1000 participants from all continents, and hundreds of people from
   around the world are expected to take part this year. The Libre
   Software Meeting combines two goals. It provides a space for free
   software developers and enthusiasts to meet, exchange and work on
   common projects. It is also oriented towards the wider public, in an
   attempt to promote and introduce free software to all.


   While daytime events are to be hosted by the University of Burgundy,
   nightly activities will take place in "Espace autogéré des Tanneries",
   a nearby squatted social centre, home of the PRINT hacklab. This off
   is called the Nocturnes. It is being organised by groups & individuals
   from the [4]french section of the [5]Plug'n'Politix network, among
   which are the [6]PRINT and [7]grep|grrl collectives.

   This is an occasion to give visibility to politically-minded &
   activist parts of the free software community, which often get less
   attention than the business-oriented tendency; an occasion to show and
   spread the hybrid culture that's been brewed in between hacklabs,
   anarchist tech collectives, Indymedia groups, open-access spaces,
   hackmeetings and activist places; by allowing geeks to visit such a
   space where politics and software meet, by putting self-organisation
   and volunteer participation in practice, be it for software
   development or organising an event.

			   :: PROGRAMME ::

Day 1 - Monday, July 4th

Workshop: LTSP

   introduction to [8]ltsp & demonstration with [9]Meinhard Benn: X
   terminal principle; What does LTSP do for you?; LTSP boot order /
   services; LTSP server and client configuration; Hardware requirements;
   Demonstration of a 2-3 client LTSP network with i486 or early i586
   clients; Questions and answers...

Presentation & videos: Fadaiat

   Presentation of the [10]Fadaiat project: a temporary autonomous zone &
   hacklab, jumping the borders between the Spanish State and Marocco,
   for freedom of movement & communication - by [11]Hackitectura

Day 2 - Tuesday, July 5th

Debate: "for free" & the concept of "prix-libre"

   Questioning the opposition of "free as in freedom" and "free as in
   free beer"; exposing alternative models & lively examples - the DIY
   movement among others; exploring the concept of "prix libre".

Workshop: OpenWRT

   How to turn a plain simple WRT54G(S) WiFi access-point into a dreadful
   multifunction station, thanks to [12]OpenWRT. Exploration of some of
   its possibilities and applications - by the [13]CyberForat crew & co.

Day 3 - Wednesday, July 6th

Workshop: Pure Data

   Introduction to veejaying & video hacking with [14]`pd`, by [15]Yves
   Degoyon, creator of [16]P.i.D.i.P

Workshop: Tor

   Introduction to onion-routing & setting up [17]torified networks.
   Let's stand up against the numerous breaches of privacy carried by
   governments and officials, and use the Internet anonymously - by
   otmmto of [18]cyberforat

Day 4 - Thursday, July 7th

Workshop/Debate: Green Computing

   With [19]Meinhard Benn: IT industry vs. planet and people: short
   introduction to sustainable development; why is Free Software
   sustainable?; Free hardware (as in speech); Computer worker unions;
   Creative ways of recycling computer waste - bring your paint-box!
   wink; Renewable energies and computers; Questions and answers...

Film Selection

   by [20]Nathalie Magnan on Women and Technology

Day 5 - Friday, July 8th

Workshop: GNU/Linux system administration

   "home system administration": setting up a server for a local network,
   thanks to a home-brewed Knoppix distribution - by [21]Isabelle Hurbain

Happening: Paranoïa hour

   What about our data packets flying over the Internet?

Day 6 - Saturday, July 9th

Visual performances

   [22]libcaca colored ascii cam performance with [23]Jylam

   [24]ASCrIIn: webcam, meta-screen & ascii reality, by [25]darkveggy

   Veejaying with [26]PureData by [27]Yves Degoyon and friends

   Real-time anime cinema generation with [28]mammique from [29]La

   Various artists...

Closing-party & burning dance-floor

   Commodore 64 chips & enraged bits

Day 7 - Sunday, July 10th

Collective cleaning

   Come and help `rm -rf /var`



   Vegan food and/or sandwiches will be available at an affordable price.


   With and without alcohol.


   Switches for RJ plugs, sofas for bodies, tables for laptops and


   Geek documentaries & cult-movies broadcasts every night. Bring your
   vintage hacker film along!


   Spaces to organise spontaneous skill-shares & carry last-minute

Chill-out space

   Music, people, conversations.

			     :: MORE ::


   Send a mail to [30]connect-fr at squat dot net


   ...goes through the connect-fr mailing-list, IRC meetings and a

	  	       :: PRACTICALITIES ::


   Espace autogéré des Tanneries,
   13-15-17 bd de Chicago, 21000 Dijon, France


   4th - 9th July, from ~8pm to ~1am everyday.

 	                :: REFERENCES ::

   1. http://squat.net/connect-fr/nocturnes/index.fr.html
   2. http://squat.net/connect-fr/nocturnes/index.de.html
   3. http://rencontresmondiales.org/
   4. http://squat.net/connect-fr/
   5. http://squat.net/pnp/
   6. http://print.squat.net/
   7. http://grepgrrl.org/
   8. http://ltsp.org/
   9. http://www.benn.org/
  10. http://www.fadaiat.net/
  11. http://hackitectura.net/
  12. http://openwrt.org/
  13. http://cyberforat.squat.net/
  14. http://www.puredata.org/
  15. http://ydegoyon.free.fr/
  16. http://ydegoyon.free.fr/pidip.html
  17. http://wiki.boum.org/CyberForat/TorifiedNetwork
  18. http://cyberforat.squat.net/
  19. http://www.benn.org/
  20. http://cyberfeminisme.org/
  21. http://www.isabelle-hurbain.com/
  22. http://jylam.lnxscene.org/new/images/cacam_2.png
  23. http://jylam.lnxscene.org/
  24. http://garlicviolence.org/irl/ascriin/
  25. http://garlicviolence.org/
  26. http://puredata.org/
  27. http://ydegoyon.free.fr/
  28. http://mammique.net/
  29. http://lamenagerie.com/
  30. mailto:connect-fr at squat.net
  31. http://wiki.boum.org/ConnectFr/

d a r k v e g g y - gnupg key @ http://garlicviolence.org/gpg.asc

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