[hackmeeting] Fwd: Re:thought crime
adolflow en sindominio.net
Jue Dic 5 20:00:03 CET 2002
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Allá por Thu, 5 Dec 2002 16:24:57 +0100
merce en grn.es contaba:
en castellano:
> ########### INFORMATION WANTS TO BE FORWARDED ###########
> <nettime> more repression in Italy = thought crime
> 04/12/02
> ===8<==============Original message text===============
> 'Mental Participation': anti-globalisation protestors arrested for
> thoughtcrime
> Amongst the 23 anti-globalisation protestors questioned and arrested
> today in Italy there are some who are accused not of acts of violence
> but of'mental participation' ('compartecipazione psichica') and
> 'pscyhological support' [in the Genova actions].
> In the paper that orders the arrest, judge Elena Dalosio writes: 'it's
> clear that not only those who materially took part in the devastation
> should be prosecuted, but also those facilitated the acts or gave
> strength to their purpose. These people should be prosecuted even if
> they didn't conduct any material act.'
> 'This is a case', the judge writes, 'of very serious resistance, with
> the aim of disturbing police intervention. The behaviour of those who
> were on the scene of the riots, together with the most violent ones,
> gave strength to these people by their very presence. Their acts were
> not crime in themselves, but aided the criminal intentions of the
> others with their moral support."
> - - from "La Repubblica" newspaper
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <lop1912 en iperbole.bologna.it>
> To: <nettime-l en bbs.thing.net>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 8:45 AM
> Subject: <nettime> repression in Italy
> The noglobal protesters who had been arrested in Cosenza two weeks
> ago have
> been released. They were accused of subversion.
> The same day of their liberation, 22 people in various Italian cities
> have
> been arrested. They are accused of illegal actions against the State
> during
> the Genova antiG8 demonstrations.
> One should remember that in Genova the police killed a young man,
> Carlo
> Giuliani. The police who shot the boy has been acquitted some days
> ago.
> One shold also remember that in Genova the police destroyed the
> locals of
> the Mediacenter, and brutally assaulted young men and women.
> Is the Italian mafialike regime turning fascist?
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> body
> # archive: http://www.nettime.org contact: nettime en bbs.thing.net
> ===8<===========End of original message text===========
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