[hackmeeting] [call4nodes] traducción al inglés
xabier en sindominio.net
Lun Ago 25 19:35:01 CEST 2003
He traducido el call4nodes al inglés pero no me funciona el corrector
de ortografía. Si alguien puede por favor que se lo pase y reenvia la
versión corregida a la lista.
debian gnu/linux sarge :: kernel 2.4.18
xabier barandiaran http://sindominio.net/~xabier
Metabolik BioHacklab http://sindominio.net/metabolik
Autonomia Situada http://sindominio.net/autonomiasituada
..:: www.sindominio.net ::..
------------ próxima parte ------------
..:: hack your brain :: okupa tu mente ::..
..:: INTRO ::..
This message is an offer to party-cipate in the Hackmeeting 2003 by
proposing your activity-node for the network of encounters around
hacktivism, cyberspace, telematics and their technopolitic dimensions
which is the hackmeeting (a cyborg of multiplicities that manifests
itself in a liberated weekend). We have changed the traditional
"call4papers" by a "call4nodes" not to constraint the participation
to papers but to a broader spectrum of posibilities (workshops,
talks, discussions, expositions, posters, etc.) that we now call
nodes. As you will know the Hackmeeting (HM) is a participative event
where the dicotomy organizer-attendant is blurred on the necessity to
self-organize the event collectivelly.
This year the HM will be taking place under the shadow of a campaing
againts spanish SSSC (Self-managed Social Squat Centers), among them
Les Naus (which hold the first HM in the spanish state
---http://sindominio.net/lesnaus) and Labo03 recently cleared by
police (where the last HM had place). This wafe of repression is not
a random cohincidence of policial bodies executing judicial orders
(so often unexistent) but a burocratically compiled program to finish
with the attempts for collective experimentation, for the free flux
of knowledge, for skill-sharing and for the creation of free spaces
and networks. Recent attacks (technical, corporative and judicial)
against p2p networks, software and bio patents, enforcement of
"intellectual property" laws, and the attempts to regulate the
internet as a market place are some of the manifestations of this
strategy in the cyberspace. That's why we have decided to focus this
HM on the defense of the right to experiment freely, the right to
open new spaces for technopolitic collective creation and for free
communication, whether those spaces and rights are built throught
hacktivism or reality hacking: the passion for overcoming the limits
of, (re)build and self-organize social codes and spaces.
..:: WHERE AND WHEN ::..
24,25,26 october
Social Self-organized Squat Center
Iruña/Pamplona (Spain)
---> DEADLINE FOR NODE PROPOSALS: 10th October <---
[information about how to get there will be available at our website]
..:: TOPICS ::..
The hackmeeting will consist on talks, debates, workshops,
expositions, encounters and many other nodes for which coordinators,
facilitator and speakers are needed.
Those are some of the topics touched on past hackmeetings or topics
we would like to work on during the next one. We are looking for new
viewpoints and discoveries you would like to show, debates you might
be interested to coordinate or any idea and technique you want to
* Reality hacking
* Copyleft
* Self-managed wireless networks
* Telematics and alternative (counter)information
* Autonomous servers
* World Summit for de Information Society: alternatives for
* Free software: Gnu/Linux, Debian, etc.
* Criptography
* Video, mediactivism
* Hacktivism
* Gouvernments in the net: cybercrime laws, enfopol, LSSI,
surveillance, censorship...
* Corporations in the net: patents, copyright, monopolies, ...
* Education and new technologies
* Universal access to the information and knowledge resources
* Electronic Social/Civil Desobedience
* Cyberpunk
* Artivism
* Is machine squating like real squating? Legal advice
* Genealogy of the internet and its relation to grassroot social
* Hacker philosophy
* Privacy, criptography, anonimicity
* Hacklabs
* Recycling computers
* First steeps on GNU/Linux, TCP/IP, passwords, ...
* Phreak
* Hacking
* Reverse engineering
* Viruses, artificial intelligence, artificial life, cybernetics.
* Inteligent cards, digital signature
* Tricks (how to get energy from the phone, recycling tricks, etc.)
* Round tables about recent books/literature
* Game-shows
..:: MODALITIES ::..
Modalities for nodes are open, those are some suggestions:
* Posters
* Talks
* Workshops/seminars
* Coordination meeting
* Round tables
* Expositions
* Any other left to your imagination
Apart from presential modalities the HM welcomes virtual
pariticpation of any kind: texts, videos, audio, etc. that can be put
online at our website.
All node-proposals are discussed in our mailing-list (hackmeeting @
sindominio . net). We remain you that you can join the list and the
meeting organization at:
so you can participate in further development of your proposal and
follow its discussion.
In any case to propose a node send an email with the following header
"[nodo] name_of_proposal" to the following two email addresses:
hackmeeting @ sindominio.net
charlas @ sindominio.net (in charge of coordinating the timetible
for the HM)
We propose you fill in the following form in the body message (you
can readapt it to your needs and requirements of your proposal).
* Information for participants:
0. Modality
a) Talk
b) Workshop
c) Round Table
d) Poster
e) Exposition
f) Coordination meeting
g) Others
1. (Nikc)name of the author/coordinator/facilitator
2. Title
3. Summary/abstract
4. Key-words
5. Recomended knowledge for participants
6. Structure/contents
7. Methodology: exposition, discussion, working-session, etc.
8. Duration
9. Recommended reading for those interested on the topic in advance
* Information for coordination:
10. Required material (computers, internet access, video projector,
11. Timetable preferences
12. Probability of a attendance (from 0 to 1)
13. Documents or files of the node (presentation, texts, programs,
etc. to be uploaded to the website)
We welcome any other kind of participation other than activity-nodes
such as material, coordination of activities, streeming,
translation, etc. For more information join us in the virtual
assembly at hackmeeting @ sindominio.net. You can subscribe to our
mailing-list at:
The first hackmeeting was hold in Florencia in 1998 and it has been
repeated every year since in Italy; the italian website
http://hackmeeting.org shows all the information about present and
past italian hackmeetings. In 2000 Barcelona hold the first HM in the
spanish state (http://sindominio.net/hmbcn00), Leioa (Bilbao) hold
the second one in 2001 ((http://sindominio.net/hm2001) and Madrid
last year (http://sindominio.net/madhack02).
For more information do not essitate to contact us at hackmeeting @
sindominio.net or visit our website:
| http://sindominio.net/hackmeeting |
Más información sobre la lista de distribución HackMeeting