[hackmeeting] [Fwd: [Thk] "What The Hack?" Call for presentations]
Marcos Serrano
makros en sindominio.net
Vie Abr 1 18:59:35 CEST 2005
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Parece que si te registras antes es pelín más barato:
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If you buy your ticket before May 10th, you get a ? 30,- 'early bird' discount,
so you only pay ?120,-
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Este evento es la continuación de uno que se realiza cada 2 años entre alemanes
y holandeses (cada 4 años en cada país de forma alternada). En el 2003 fue el
"Chaos Computer Camping", organizado sobretodo por la gente del CCC. Yo estuve
allí, es diferente a un hackmeeting (son alemanes, no lo pueden evitar), tenían
muchos medios y un cartel de charlas a nivel internacional muy potente. Con los
típicos talleres de "lockpicking" (abrir candados), "cypherpunk", construcciones
con Lego y una gran presencia de los distintos sabores BSD, sobretodo OpenBSD.
El ambiente es bastante agradable, este año probablemente repetiré.
xabier wrote:
> Os reenvie este call4presentations del congreso "What the hack", el
> congreso cuesta unos 150euskos pero se rumorea que puede haber entrada
> gratuita pa la gente sin pasta (aunque no me lo creo yo del todo).
> besarkadak,
> xabier
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> [Thk] "What The Hack?" Call for presentations
> From:
> acde en xs4all.nl
> Date:
> Thu, 31 Mar 2005 11:48:58 +0200 (CEST)
> To:
> ace en suares.com, bytesforall_readers en yahoogroups.com,
> carmstrong en icon.co.za, thk en autistici.org, edivide en lists.riseup.net,
> eh en xminy.nl, evel en xs4all.nl, felipe en xs4all.nl, FLaureys en iicd.org,
> gerbina en niza.nl, hvheijningen en tomaatnet.nl, hapee en hapee.org,
> haque en phys.uu.nl, hinde en xs4all.nl, hp en syntomax.com, jo en xs4all.nl,
> karel en oftelsat.com, kh en xminy.nl, kleintje en stelling.nl,
> maurice en xs4all.nl, nyaka en sn.apc.org, pablo en noticias.nl,
> patrice en xs4all.nl, p.klerks en xs4all.nl, rens en milieudefensie.nl,
> rsedee en chello.nl, rolf en drostan.org, samson en kamalatta.de,
> reader-list en sarai.net, spaink en xs4all.nl, stephanie en tacticaltech.org,
> Panoussis en provocation.net
> To:
> ace en suares.com, bytesforall_readers en yahoogroups.com,
> carmstrong en icon.co.za, thk en autistici.org, edivide en lists.riseup.net,
> eh en xminy.nl, evel en xs4all.nl, felipe en xs4all.nl, FLaureys en iicd.org,
> gerbina en niza.nl, hvheijningen en tomaatnet.nl, hapee en hapee.org,
> haque en phys.uu.nl, hinde en xs4all.nl, hp en syntomax.com, jo en xs4all.nl,
> karel en oftelsat.com, kh en xminy.nl, kleintje en stelling.nl,
> maurice en xs4all.nl, nyaka en sn.apc.org, pablo en noticias.nl,
> patrice en xs4all.nl, p.klerks en xs4all.nl, rens en milieudefensie.nl,
> rsedee en chello.nl, rolf en drostan.org, samson en kamalatta.de,
> reader-list en sarai.net, spaink en xs4all.nl, stephanie en tacticaltech.org,
> Panoussis en provocation.net
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> "What The Hack?" (WTH) is a large hacker's festival been organized
> (http://www.whatthehack.org). WTH is part of a interesting series of
> events held every four years in The Netherlands. The events are known as a
> great opportunity to meet others working on the same things. It started
> with "The Galactic Hacker Party", also known as the "International
> Conference on the Alternative use of Technology, Amsterdam". Since then
> the festival moved outdoors, and the next three editions were held on a
> large field. The last edition was visited by nearly 3000 people. Hackers
> enjoy exploring the details and capabilities of tech-systems or engage
> with technology on the basis of a do-it- yourself philosophy. Contrary to
> popular misconception hackers do not, by definition, break into systems.
> The festival will be taking place between July 28th and 31th July, 2005
> in a camp near Den Bosch, The Netherlands. Common themes are freedom of
> speech, government transparency, computer insecurity, privacy, open
> software, open standards & software patents and community networking.
> Call for presentations and workshops
> Another focus has to do with independent media and networking in crisis
> areas and so called developing countries, which goals and objectives are:
> ** Bringing together and building links between technical people of
> different backgrounds and countries. Involve young professionals from
> Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa in this broad
> international event. Creating opportunities for hackers to think about
> how they can help in the distribution of technology, support independent
> media and so on.
> ** Show projects on the forefront of creative network development and
> use of new media.
> ** Share practical knowledge, skills and experiences in wireless
> technology, open spectrum, open technologies and free software.
> ** Make use of the power of a large group of technical people. One idea
> is setting up a meshing experiment. Meshing is a way to self-organize
> wireless networks. Up till now, nobody really knows how well it scales
> to lots of users. A massive mesh experiment using thousands of laptops
> on the camp can give some answers. If necessary, it's a challenge to try
> to improve the Wifi protocol so that it will scale.
> ** Discuss global topics like Open Access/Content issues, freedom of
> speech or Internet Governance.
> Anne Sedee
> program committee "What The Hack"
> reply to: acde en xs4all.nl
> _______________________________________________
> Thk mailing list
> Thk en autistici.org
> https://www.autistici.org/mailman/listinfo/thk
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> HackMeeting mailing list
> HackMeeting en listas.sindominio.net
> https://listas.sindominio.net/mailman/listinfo/hackmeeting
- --
Un saludo,
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Marcos Serrano || makros EN sindominio PUNTO net
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