[hm] talk proposal and other stuff

Ales Zabala Alava (Shagi) shagi en gisa-elkartea.org
Mar Oct 25 11:02:12 CEST 2016


Quoting cocco <g33k en paranoici.org>:

> Hi I m cocconat from Italy, I m coming to Donostia with some friends  
> on saturday :)

Please fill this form for each of you, will use this info to better  
arrange food and sleep places :-)


> we re very enthusiast about participating and would like to propose  
> a talk [1]

Awesome! For this we have another form:


With this info we can make the schedule, gather needed material and  
arrange rooms by thematic.
Copy&paste this mail in the form and you are done!

> furthermore I would like to know about the sleep arrangement in  
> SanSebastian: can we pitch a tent?

Yes, but there is no grass. There will be sleeping rooms inside, also.

See you soon!



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