[hm] talk proposal and other stuff

cocconat g33k en paranoici.org
Mar Oct 25 12:19:27 CEST 2016

On 25/10/16 11:02, Ales Zabala Alava (Shagi) wrote:
> Kaixo!
> Quoting cocco <g33k at paranoici.org>:
>> Hi I m cocconat from Italy, I m coming to Donostia with some friends
>> on saturday :)
> Please fill this form for each of you, will use this info to better
> arrange food and sleep places :-)
> http://sindominio.net/hackmeeting/wiki/Especial:FormEdit/Inscripci%C3%B3n_2016

Hi! should I sign in to the wiki for editing?

Porque ella me dice:

El registro de nuevas cuentas de usuaria ha sido restringido
"temporalmente" debido a problemas de spam.
Si no tienes una cuenta en esta wiki, puedes pedir a una admin que te
cree una escribiendo a la Lista de correo

>> we re very enthusiast about participating and would like to propose a
>> talk [1]
> Awesome! For this we have another form:
> http://sindominio.net/hackmeeting/wiki/Especial:FormEdit/Nodos_2016
> With this info we can make the schedule, gather needed material and
> arrange rooms by thematic.
> Copy&paste this mail in the form and you are done!
>> furthermore I would like to know about the sleep arrangement in
>> SanSebastian: can we pitch a tent?
> Yes, but there is no grass. There will be sleeping rooms inside, also.
> See you soon!
> Bye,
> Shagi
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