[unomada-info] [Fwd: new issue of transversal web journal: unsettling knowledges]

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Vie Mar 16 14:09:47 CET 2012

---------------------------------------- Mensaje original ----------------------------------------
Asunto: new issue of transversal web journal: unsettling knowledges
De:     "eipcp" <contact en eipcp.net>
Fecha:  Vie, 16 de Marzo de 2012, 10:11 am
Para:   raul en sindominio.net

unsettling knowledges

transversal web journal

The crises within cognitive capitalism and cognitive labor are mirrored in the
reproduction and exacerbation of global divisions of labor and the emergence
of new forms of exploitation as part of a regime of flexible capital
accumulation. While drastic austerity measures and heightened control
mechanisms lead to a radical transformation of the welfare state on the one
hand, new networks of communication, struggle and alternative forms of
knowledge emerge on the other.

This issue of _transversal_ attempts to review some of the general assumptions
of a theory of cognitive capitalism and to unsettle the very notions of
knowledge and its production, discussing the conditions of its capture, its
“re-invention†and its capacity for _creating worlds_. The individual essays
follow the lines of a (post-)colonial historicity and a feminist and
geopolitical critique of capitalist valorization, thereby questioning the
materiality of knowledge and its production in relation to resources and
bodies, as well as how art and knowledge production are interwoven with
political struggles.



Lina Dokuzović: The Resource Crisis and the Global Repercussions of Knowledge

Silvia Federici: African Roots of US University Struggles. From the Occupy
Movement to the Anti-Student-Debt Campaign

Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez: AFFECTIVE Value. On Coloniality, Feminization
and Migration

Therese Kaufmann: Materiality of Knowledge

Christian Kravagna: The Trees of Knowledge: Anthropology, Art, and Politics.
Melville J. Herskovits and Zora Neale Hurston – Harlem ca. 1930

Brigitta Kuster: The Imperceptibility of Memory

Sandro Mezzadra: How Many Histories of Labor? Towards a Theory of Postcolonial

Walter Mignolo: Geopolitics of Sensing and Knowing. On (De)Coloniality, Border
Thinking, and Epistemic Disobedience

Raimund Minichbauer: Fragmented Collectives. On the Politics of “Collective
Intelligence†in Electronic Networks


Creating Worlds


eipcp - european institute for progressive cultural policies

a-1060 vienna, gumpendorfer strasse 63b

a-4040 linz, harruckerstrasse 7

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   [1]: http://eipcp.net/transversal/0112

   [2]: http://creatingworlds.eipcp.net/

   [3]: mailto:contact en eipcp.net

   [4]: http://www.eipcp.net/

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