[hackmeeting] Chicago USA hackmeeting O13-15 schedule and IRC

Txopi txopi en sindominio.net
Mie Oct 11 01:00:17 CEST 2006

Whooka de HackThisSite.org wrote:
> Hello Hackmeeting list, I am an hacker activist who is helping
> organize the Hackmeeting in Chicago USA to coincide with the
> international hackmeetings held in Spain and Chile. We have been
> working on a three day conference with workshops/presentations on
> alternatives to copyright, hacktivism, internet security culture, and
> more. The event is being held at a new hacker activist space called
> dai5ychain.net, which has a computer lab, a presentation/screening
> room, and a community bike center.
> The new space and the conference is modelled off of the international
> hacklabs movement, as we are embracing and open and participatory
> model of organization for the event. We have been using a Wiki for
> online collaboration and to develop a schedule of workshops for the
> weekend.
> You can read more about the event at the wiki 
> http://hackmeeting.dai5ychain.net

Creo que la URL correcta es esta:

> One experiment we would like to try would be to set up an IRC channel
> to be a "live link" between the hackmeetings beind held in Spain,
> Chile, and the USA. We will set up some of the computers in our lab to
> connect to the freenode #hackmeeting channel, and we will have the IRC
> channel projected onto a large screen for much of the conference. Do
> you think it is possible to arrange a time/date during this weekend
> where we can have a large IRC discussion bringing together some of the
> organizers of the event to talk about how their respective
> hackmeetings are going? We hope this will allow fellow hackers of the
> world to further communicate and network with each other.
> We will keep you informed of developments regarding the conference in
> the USA. Good luck with your conference!
> (apologies for this email being written in English)

En Chicago tienen UTC-5 así que cuando en Matarò sean las 00:00 de la 
madrugada allí serán las 17:00. Yo creo que a última hora es bueno 
momento porque a primera hora allí es de madrugada y no encajamos.

Que tal el sábdado después del cabaret para los que quieran practicar un 
poco el inglés escrito? ;-)

Si lo hacemos así puede que también se apunten los de Chile porque es 
una hora intermedia.


Whooka, i think your proposition is great. We are trying to decide wich 
is the best moment. See you in the IRC.

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