[hm] [café] Quién quiere caos? invito yo :)
d1d4c en aktivix.org
Mie Ene 20 10:30:34 CET 2010
En este café se permite hablar
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descanso de los vecinos. Gracias :)
elcalamartevigila escribió:
> On 16:32, Mon 18 Jan 10, d1d4c wrote:
>> Yo considero a la asamblea como una especie de aplicación
>> informática ejecutada por ciborgs (por decirlo así). En ese sentido,
>> tiene un input y un output.
> Networks of interacting neurons are responsible for the cognitive
> information processing in the brain. They must remain functional also in
> the presence of noise and need to be stable as stochastic systems. In
> this case the introduction of a noise term to the evolution equation
> should not change the dynamics qualitatively. This postulate should be
> valid for the vast majorities of biological networks [...]
Ah, mira, açò vindría a donar-me la raó sobre el que dic sovint sobre el
tema del sorroll en aquesta llista. És clar, que una cosa es una xarxa
d'interaccións neuronals i una altre és el que pugui ser aquesta
llista... però bé, sempre es bò trobar-ne coses comuns. Tu creus calamar
que aquest postulat sería aplicable aquí, idò?
> Stochastic Escape and Stochastic Resonance: A particle trapped in a
> local minimum may escape this minimum by a noise-induced diffusion process;
> a phenomenon called “stochastic escape”. Stochastic escape in a driven
> bistable system leads to an even more subtle consequence of noise-induced
> dynamics, the “stochastic resonance”. [...] Stochastic escape occurs in
> many real-world systems. Noise allows the system to escape from a local
> minimum where it would otherwise remain stuck for eternity.
> As an example, we mention stochastic escape from a local fitness maximum
> (in evolution fitness is to be maximized) by random mutations that play
> the role of noise.
> Complex and Adaptive Dynamical Systems, A Primer.
> Claudius Gros.
Què és un "bistable system"? i un "local minimum"? M'encanten els
paralelistmes que puguin haver entre la biología i el wetware que
poguesim estar ejecutant aquí, però no sé a què et refereixes, calamarix
:) Explica't una mica, va, que em sembla molt interessant...
pd: molt bona la indirecta del "caos" ;)
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